10. How to contribute
SICOPOLIS is an open-source project that relies on the participation of its users, and we welcome contributions. Users can contribute using the usual pull request mechanisms in git, and if the contribution is substantial, they can contact us to discuss gaining direct access to the repository.
If you think you’ve found a bug, please check if you’re using the latest version of the model. If the bug is still present, then think about how you might fix it and file a ticket in the GitLab issue tracker (you might need to request membership access on GitLab, which we can approve). Your ticket should include: what the bug does, the location of the bug: file name and line number(s), and any suggestions you have for how it might be fixed.
To request a new feature, or guidance on how to implement it yourself, please open a ticket with a clear explanation of what the feature will do.
You can also directly contact info@sicopolis.net or, for AD-related issues, Shreyas Gaikwad (shreyas.gaikwad@utexas.edu).