.. _plotting_and_tools: Plotting and tools ****************** .. _plotting_and_tools-plotting: Plotting ======== The output described in ":ref:`getting_started-output`" can be visualized with any plotting tool at the user's preference. Ncview (http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html) is a very nice browser for NetCDF files to get a quick and easy look. For more sophisticated plots, one possibility is to use MATLAB, which has an `extensive library for NetCDF files `__. For instance, the following script plots the final surface topography of the Greenland simulation ``repo_grl16_bm5_ss25ka`` (credit: Mathieu Morlighem, University of California Irvine). :: filename = 'repo_grl16_bm5_ss25ka0003.nc'; x = ncread(filename,'x'); y = ncread(filename,'y'); surf = ncread(filename,'zs'); % Display surface elevation % (transposition needed because MATLAB is column-oriented) imagesc(x*1e-3,y*1e-3,surf'); axis xy equal; caxis([0 3200]); colorbar .. _plotting_and_tools-ismip_output: Make ISMIP output ================= Fortran program (located in sicopolis/tools/make_ismip_output) that generates `ISMIP6 output `__ from the NetCDF time-slice files produced by SICOPOLIS (see ":ref:`getting_started-output`"). For simulation ````, to be executed by :: ./tools.sh -p make_ismip_output -m To list further options, execute ``./tools.sh -h``. .. _plotting_and_tools-res_dbl: Resolution doubler ================== Fortran program (located in sicopolis/tools/resolution_doubler) that doubles the horizontal resolution of a NetCDF time-slice output file produced by SICOPOLIS (see ":ref:`getting_started-output`"). For simulation ````, to be executed by :: ./tools.sh -p resolution_doubler -m To list further options, execute ``./tools.sh -h``. For example, run ``repo_grl10_b2_paleo21`` (10 km resolution) requires the resolution-doubled output of run ``repo_grl20_b2_paleo21`` (20 km resolution) for :math:`t=-9\,\mathrm{ka}` as initial condition. In order to create it, execute the resolution doubler for run ``repo_grl20_b2_paleo21`` (i.e., with the option ``-m repo_grl20_b2_paleo21``) and enter :: Number of time-slice file (with leading zeros, 4 digits) > 0004 This will convert the original time-slice file ``repo_grl20_b2_paleo210004.nc`` to the resolution-doubled file ``repo_grl20_b2_paleo21_dbl_0004.nc`` that serves as initial conditions for run ``repo_grl10_b2_paleo21``.